5 Essential Security Checklists Before Launching an Android Application

As Android apps have become highly popular among all strata of the society, it has become an integral part of the daily lifestyle in this digital world. With loads of transactions being done over various Android applications, it has become quite essential for the businesses to deliver the most secure experience to the app users. It is recommended to test the app over several parameters such as compatibility, functionality, performance, and security. Before launching an app, a detailed security checklist should be performed to better serve your audiences.


With a few required checklists to test the app thoroughly, you can serve the best Android application to your audiences and create a reputed brand image among your audiences. Here are some essential checklists –

1. Follow the Guidelines and Policies of Google Play Developer Account: To launch your Android application, you need to set up a Google Play Developer Account and for this, you must be familiar with the Google Play Store policies and guidelines before registration to avoid any kind of future breach. If you are not well versed with the terms and conditions of the policy, your app could be suspended at any point of time and you would be losing your audience and businesses as well.

2. Android Application Sandbox – Make Your Coding More Secured: It is one of the core security feature associated with Android app development. Android Application Sandbox isolates your app data and code execution from other external apps.

3. Availing the Benefit of the Encrypted File System: Encrypted file system technology helps in protecting the confidential app data from any kind of cyber threats. It ensures that any external agent is not able to access the data of the application unless the developer does not share files externally.

4. Keeping the Critical Information in a Secure Way: In Android devices, each of the users’ data is stored in a very secure manner so that no one can be able to fetch the data from the concerned application. As files created on external devices can be easily accessed, removed and modified globally so you should not keep any of sensitive file data on external devices.

5. Use Advanced Networking for Secure Transactions: All of the Android app users perform some sorts of transactions over the smart applications so secure transactions become the need of the time. Robust and secured telephone networking, IP networking and handling user data efficiently can serve in securing transactions from external threats.

Conclusion: Myriad of Android apps are published on Google Play Store on daily basis. But most of them get rejected either by Google itself or users, due to lack of security features and the adherence to the policy terms and conditions. If you want to develop an app for your business that would run smoothly without any security and legal issues then you should hire the service of Apps24x7, a reputed Android app development company in India.


Some Important Things to Consider for A Good Android App Design

Android applications are in demand on the global scale. Hiring the services of a reliable Android app development company in India can be truly beneficial for your business. Android app development is considered to be friendly for the developers and businesses as well. With great UX Android design, easy to implement features and easy approval process, Android platform has become the topmost choice for app development. Here in this blog, we are going to know about some important aspects of a remarkable UX Android design.


Adaptive: Fragmentation is one of the major drawbacks for the poor performance of a mobile application. Too many screen sizes and too many devices have become a headache for the Android users. So, it must be focused while developing an Android application that is adaptive across all the Android smartphones. A customizable Android design can help you in getting the most adaptive mobile application so that you can provide the relevant user experience as per your business nature and the functionalities. An optimized user interface helps in maintaining the uniformity of the apps across all sorts of Android devices.

Floating Action Button (FAB): Floating action button, popularly known as FAB, are usually located in the bottom right corner of the app screen. With vivid colours and tones, FABs are used to promote actions which users perform on a regular basis. If you decide to go with the FAB, you must follow the instructions of Google Design. If not, then unfamiliar FAB will result in a bad user experience.

Screen Savers: Screen saver consists of an image that fills the blank screen that appears before the heavy application loads. It helps the users in looking at the screen saver instead of looking at the blank screen while waiting for the application to load. Somehow, it creates the impression that the heavy app loads faster and also reveals the brand image. Some consider it, as a bad approach because a great UX design based app should load faster instead of the appearance of a screen saver. But some supports it, as it helps in keeping users engaged while the heavy application loads even in the slow internet connection.

Navigation: The user must have the hassle free experience while using the application. A good UX design provides robust navigation feature which is easy to use. Basically Android supports navigation controls that slide left. The tabs are on the top and users love to go for familiar Android navigation features. Use of tabs with “+” icon to show less content is trending and helping the businesses to reflect the most important features at the first.

Top 4 Reasons to Go For Android Application Development

Each of the businesses running globally owns a website in the current scenario. But the ongoing rivalry amid the evolving businesses has now made the mobile application a necessity of the current business scenario. Businesses have now understood the popularity of the mobile application and they are focused on developing the smooth functioning mobile application especially based on the Android platform. Hiring the services of a reputed Android app development company is proving to be fruitful for all sorts of businesses. Amid all the other mobile application development platforms such as iOS, Android and Windows, Android has the most powerful impact in the app industry. With the popularity of Android smartphones and smart apps, the demand of lucrative and feature-rich Android application development has increased so far.


There are lots of advantages of having an Android application for the business. Let’s summarize them:

Hiring Android Developers is An Easy Task: Due to the extensive demand of the Android application, the development market is replete of the expert Android developers to address diverse needs. With the ease of development, free license and availability of the libraries, Android app development has become an easy task.

Android App Development is Affordable: Being an open source technology, Android app development has become an affordable solution for the businesses. Developers do not need expensive tools for development purpose and adding features to the Android application also requires less time. Thus, developing an Android application to promote your business is considered as the smart and affordable solution.

Android Applications Help in Establishing A Strong Client Base: With the huge number of Android users, a well developed Android application has great potential to establish a strong client base. Reaching to the worldwide audience is simple through publishing your application at the Play Store.

Advanced Integration Feature: As per your business needs, you can customize the application features with the help of an expert developer. Android platform has the great flexibility to integrate the app features with any third party APIs in an effective way. They are considered as ideal for advanced features integration and development.

Hiring the services of a reliable Android app development company with years of expertise can bring innovative solutions for your business and it will help in boosting your business revenue to a next level.

Learning Things For An Android Developer to create Finest Android Apps

Mobile operating system, Android, is the most favorable and demanding among the app developers and mobile lovers. Mobile users’ are more likely to use android devices due to its unparalleled flexibility. It even boosts an array of features and benefits that incredibly enhances end users smart phone experience.


Even in the stiff competition with iPhones, Android devices are in huge demand. This platform allows the development of all sorts of applications ranging from education to business to travel to entertainment and such. It offers bright future for Android app developers as there is countless scope and huge customer base across the sphere. Android app development India shares a list of things that every Android app developers must take into account in order to ensure that the developed app will be lucrative in terms of functionality, and quality.

Learning Elementary Things & Sharpen Your Skills

For creating a robust and functional Android App, knowledge of SQL fundamentals is required. If you want to become an expert Android app developer, then you need to explore the Android world and keep yourself updated with the current trends, tools and technologies. Additionally, understand how to utilize them to develop interactive and user engaging Android apps. For this, you should take the help of an Android blog, online forums, tutorials and more, and learn foolproof tips and tricks of Android app development.

Devise A Strategy Beforehand

Like any other available mobile app development platform, Android also defines the steps that need to be followed to create world class Android Apps. Right from the beginning you should have a clear vision of what kind of app you want to develop, how it should perform, the existing functionality, it should incorporate etc. This will really helpful for you to save your precious time that you can effectively use for your apps marketing and promotion.

Rigorous Testing of Your Android Apps to Remove all Bugs and Flaws

Testing is crucial in the development of Android apps. Google Play doesn’t have any strict rules and norms for app submission, as it’s quite essential for an Android professional to thoroughly test the app, and ensure that they perform well on the Android devices, and exactly meet the expectations of the android users. A single bug in your app can create a bad impression in the psyche of the users, so think twice before submitting your app on Google store.

Last but not the least, trust in your capabilities. If you are confident in your abilities, then you need to just concentrate on your work along with your creative skills, to create a unique, user oriented and feature-rich mobile app.

Are You Aware of These Essentials for an Amazing Interactive Android App?

A pleasant time and hassle free performance is what defines an excellent user experience. For providing your users a significant experience, your app should have responsive design, in the way that appeals them. The app content should be systematically categorized. Here are some things that you should consider while developing a user-friendly app:


1. All Devices Should Provide Similar Experience With Your App

The app design should remain constant with all the devices. If the user experiences different design of the app on different devices,  they will surely turn it off. Whichever is the gadget used by the user, they should have the similar viewing.

2. Easy Navigation in App

The aim behind a pleasant user experience is gaining the direct user attention to the content. Therefore the app should be well designed & well categorized with classified content which can captivate the eye of the users. This classification provides an easy and seamless navigation in the website. In the user-friendly navigation system, the information should be easy to locate, which enhances the user interest and attract more visitors towards the app.

3. Highlight Important Words As A Focalpoint

Usually, readers scan the whole app page and if they don’t find anything that they are interested in, they avoid reading the page. So, it is important the your app page should have that particular content which will definitely divert the user to their search. Also, this will help you to know your user’s actual desire. An image should be the focal point of the app, as it will easily get user attention and they are re-directed to the location of the content.

4. Enhance Functioning of Links and Buttons

If the user does not get what they want, they get frustrated and leave the page. The visitors prefer that every link redirect them to the important content pages, instead of a 404 error page. The visual elements should clearly define their action, and should perform well. For example, the links that look clickable, should easily clickable, and redirect to the right page, else the visitor will find it irritating.

5. Provides the Great Browsing Experience

Avoid adding the auto-play videos in your website content. Else, due to the locked scrolling bar, better browsing experience will be snatched away from the users. The user should feel the total control on the app, in terms of browsing and movement of the app. There should be a perfect balance of diversity and complexity in the app.

The above factors will not only help to create an attractive app, but also an interactive one. There are various development companies, who take care of all such factors into consideration while creating the apps. If you want a perfect app for your business, then you can hire the top Android app Development Company. They will design and develop the most user-friendly app according to your business requirements.

Top 10 Apps For Programming on Android

In the current digital scenario, where mobile apps have become the basic necessity of every business, it is quite essential that your business app must be developed with excellent programming and correct coding system. Considering the importance of programming and problem in coding, various companies have launched their customized apps which are really helpful while doing programming. Android app developers in India also utilized these apps and create some of the finest apps for Android. Here is the list of top 10  finest apps which surely make your programming efforts more easier:



1. SalesForce 1: It is an industry oriented PaaS solution that provides an ultimate platform to develop an Android applicatio, that will help in enhancing the sales and efficiency of your organization.

2. Canvas: It is especially for the development of Android applications, used by the field service workers, who are continuously on the move and filling out paper forms. Canvas is mostly used in the Oil and Gas mining safety inspections, daily reports for construction, logistics, etc.

3. Field Squared: It is totally clouded-based, and offer a better platform to develop customizable native mobile apps and back office tools, for the field business services.

4. JScrambler: It is used in the development of most secure Android applications. JScrambler provides a wide number of JavaScript source code transformations and numerous several code locks, that keep secure your valuable Javascript code from stolen.

5. Zengine: It is also a cloud-based platform that is used to build the custom business applications for Android non technical users.

6. WorkXpress: It is especially designed for creating the Android apps for all size businesses (Small or large). WorkXpress has some exciting features like search and replace, on-screen keyboard helpers, and undo and redo.

7. Como: One of the most preferred platform among app developers, that facilitate the feature rich app creation on Android. Como is basically used for eCommerce sites, to create apps for selling goods on Android devices.

8. Knack: It is used to build online database apps. With Knack, there is no need of any prior programming knowledge, as it provides the greater online support, if anyone requires while programming.

9. Zoho Creator: It is simply used for Android programming apps, focused on getting the application and database rolled out ASAP. It takes care of upgrades, security and backups, so the programmer can focus on creating the app.

10. Caspio: Caspio is little complicated and developed only for experienced one. With Caspio, you can create Online Forms, Basic and Advanced Reporting, Embed deployment anywhere, Password Protection, etc.

How Third-Party Apps are Effective for Local Search & Marketing

When it comes to the digital era, we can find various technologies that change the regular life of modern people. Even in the nitty gritty condition of our daily life, we can manage everything in the digital world with our best efforts. People become more hi-tech and most of them are equipped with smart devices. These devices are loaded with amazing tools that makes our life easier. We can do multiple things just in a second. Android application development India consistently creates native apps that supports multiple mobile platforms including Android, Windows and Apple. These third party apps are quite helpful at personal level as well as a great support to drive small businesses.


Let’s have a look, how third party apps are helpful to drive more search results and customers to their stores:

1. The Colossus App- Facebook:  Worldwide famous social site Facebook has millions of visitors & thousands joining it each day. This app is installed on more than 70 percent of smartphone users’ & other devices making it a robust platform for engaging a large number of potential customers. Small and local business honchos can post images of new products and promote their customer oriented services, communicate special discounts and offers, discuss about upcoming products and events and ultimately receives more wining chances.

2. Power of Google Apps: Google apps are quite familiar among internet users. Google maps, Google+ and YouTube are the Google owned apps, where many local business’s are listed and promote their products/ services legitimately. These apps simply emphasizes your business and keep your business profile up-to-date that includes business website, physical address, contact details, photos and business hours.

3. Beacon Apps Open New Doors for Marketing Technologies: Apple’s owned technology, Beacon provides exceptional potential for all businesses. It offers real-time details of who’s browsing into a store and helps to serve up customized offers or information at the right time & place.

4. Visual sharing Apps: These apps are topmost choice among smart device users. These apps have great potential to engage existing users. Food and retail based business owners utilize visuals and share them on social media sites. Users are more likely to browse through images in place of textual contents. In addition, they posses a great opportunity for businesses to become more creative to promote stores and products.

With the robust power of third party mobile apps, you have a great opportunity to make your local business more visible and demanding among your potential customers.

How Third-Party Apps are Effective for Local Search & Marketing

When it comes to the digital era, we can find various technologies that change the regular life of modern people. Even in the nitty gritty condition of our daily life, we can manage everything in the digital world with our best efforts. People become more hi-tech and most of them are equipped with smart devices. These devices are loaded with amazing tools that makes our life easier. We can do multiple things just in a second. Android application development India consistently creates native apps that supports multiple mobile platforms including Android, Windows and Apple. These third party apps are quite helpful at personal level as well as a great support to drive small businesses.

Let’s have a look, how third party apps are helpful to drive more search results and customers to their stores:


1. The Colossus App- Facebook : Worldwide famous social site Facebook has millions of visitors & thousands joining it each day. This app is installed on more than 70 percent of smartphone users’ & other devices making it a robust platform for engaging a large number of potential customers. Small and local business honchos can post images of new products and promote their customer oriented services, communicate special discounts and offers, discuss about upcoming products and events and ultimately receives more wining chances.

2. Power of Google Apps: Google apps are quite familiar among internet users. Google maps, Google+ and YouTube are the Google owned apps, where many local business’s are listed and promote their products/ services legitimately. These apps simply emphasizes your business and keep your business profile up-to-date that includes business website, physical address, contact details, photos and business hours.

3. Beacon Apps Open New Doors for Marketing Technologies: Apple’s owned technology, Beacon provides exceptional potential for all businesses. It offers real-time details of who’s browsing into a store and helps to serve up customized offers or information at the right time & place.

4. Visual sharing Apps: These apps are topmost choice among smart device users. These apps have great potential to engage existing users. Food and retail based business owners utilize visuals and share them on social media sites. Users are more likely to browse through images in place of textual contents.  In addition, they posses a great opportunity for businesses to become more creative to promote stores and products.

With the robust power of third party mobile apps, you have a great opportunity to make your local business more visible and demanding among your potential customers.

Top 7 Android App Development Framework

Nowadays, the world has totally depends upon the technology and electronic devices. Mobile phone or smartphones have become the basic necessity of everyone, as people can explore the entire world in the mobile phone. They can play games, shop, connect with others, search and many more activities. For mobile devices, Android plays a role of biggest platform which provides a great support globally, to the people prefer using hundreds of games and apps on their phones. It also provides a vast opportunity for the Android app developers in the vast platform of App Development.

android-app-development framework

As the base of the mobile phones, Android provides a unique framework for the developers to organize their apps and developing them accordingly, and make it compatible for various smartphones and tablet users. In Android App Development, there are many popular frameworks which are commonly used by the app developers to build the outstanding apps for Android. Whether it is Android, Windows or iOS, numerous frameworks are available to develop an app for them. Some of the frequently used frameworks are:

1) Corona SDK
Corona SDK is designed for the quick and first app development. It is widely used by the game developers, as its provide built in engine, UI support, and great advertising platform. It is very easy to learn language, and its APIs can simply add the complex features easy.

2) PhoneGap
PhoneGap is one the most popular frameworks which is highly supported by the Adobe and Apache. It specially built for HTML5, CSS and JavaScript Development. With its exclusive 2.0 version, it also provides support to the Windows phone, new libraries and CLI functions.

3) Xamarin
Xamarin framework is highly competent with iOS and Windows. With this framework, you can easily develop apps and games because it provides a platform for the developers to write their code in C# and deploy it in Android.Testing of your app is also allowed on a cloud with timely monitoring of your app.

4) Sencha Touch 2
Sencha is an ideal framework, which allow the developers to deploy and manage secure business applications that perform in multiple devices. This popular JavaScript and HTML5 based framework provides 50 inbuilt components, integrated MVC system, and management of work.

5) Appcelerator
Appcelerator is a famous framework which is used by the worldwide developers to develop the excellent apps. As part of the Appcelerator, Titanium SDK utilises the JavaScript programming language to build apps with great performances.

6) Basic4Android
Basic4Android provides an intensive tool for Android, iOS, and OOP programming language.

7) JQuery Mobile
As Touch-Optimized Web Framework,JQuery Mobile helps developers to build responsive websites and apps that can be easily accessed on all desktop devices, smartphones, and tablets. It is the most light weight and popular HTML5 framework which concentrates on progressive enhancement, markup, and themable design.