How to Get High-Performing Android Applications for Your Business

To make the exceptional presence in today’s cut-throat business scenario, owners need trendy solutions such as business-driven Android apps. It helps them to increase the market reach quickly. But, it is extremely important for the mobile applications to convey user-oriented features and superb performance to grab the user’s attention. The best performance mobile app can provide you surprising business benefits. Here are some considerable points that will help in developing a high-performance mobile app:


1. Focus on Speed: The performance of mobile application plays a significant role. Observation also uncovered that users are more specific about the speed & performance instead of its execution cost. App developers first analyze the latest market trends and the target audience of the client and accordingly integrate specific features to the mobile app.

2. Selection of Images: When you compress or edit the images, keep in mind that you are reducing its size without compromising its quality. Several sites help in compressing the images. Be specific with the dimension and quality of the images as it can slow down the function of the mobile app.

3. Choose Templates Wisely: At the point when the application needs to load numerous templates, then the performance of app goes down and it gradually becomes slower. With a specific end goal to boost the performance and speed of the Android application, integrate templates wisely.

4. Offline Mode: During the network problem, while mobile app user is on the verge of finishing an activity or deal, it is good to provide them an option to save the same and can be done later. It helps them to proceed their task from the same place once the network connection is back.

5. App Testing: Before delivering the final solution, every app should be tested under the guidance of professionals and apply all the major testing process that ensures the app is ready for use and workable across various screen size devices. Testing plays a pivotal role in delivering bug-free and smooth functioning mobile apps.

A professionally designed mobile app provides accelerating business benefits. It helps the business owners to increase business reach and add value to the brand. Apps24x7 a reliable Android app development company in India, has global clients. The company has a prime objective to provide high-performance mobile app at affordable costs to their valued clients.


5 Essential Security Checklists Before Launching an Android Application

As Android apps have become highly popular among all strata of the society, it has become an integral part of the daily lifestyle in this digital world. With loads of transactions being done over various Android applications, it has become quite essential for the businesses to deliver the most secure experience to the app users. It is recommended to test the app over several parameters such as compatibility, functionality, performance, and security. Before launching an app, a detailed security checklist should be performed to better serve your audiences.


With a few required checklists to test the app thoroughly, you can serve the best Android application to your audiences and create a reputed brand image among your audiences. Here are some essential checklists –

1. Follow the Guidelines and Policies of Google Play Developer Account: To launch your Android application, you need to set up a Google Play Developer Account and for this, you must be familiar with the Google Play Store policies and guidelines before registration to avoid any kind of future breach. If you are not well versed with the terms and conditions of the policy, your app could be suspended at any point of time and you would be losing your audience and businesses as well.

2. Android Application Sandbox – Make Your Coding More Secured: It is one of the core security feature associated with Android app development. Android Application Sandbox isolates your app data and code execution from other external apps.

3. Availing the Benefit of the Encrypted File System: Encrypted file system technology helps in protecting the confidential app data from any kind of cyber threats. It ensures that any external agent is not able to access the data of the application unless the developer does not share files externally.

4. Keeping the Critical Information in a Secure Way: In Android devices, each of the users’ data is stored in a very secure manner so that no one can be able to fetch the data from the concerned application. As files created on external devices can be easily accessed, removed and modified globally so you should not keep any of sensitive file data on external devices.

5. Use Advanced Networking for Secure Transactions: All of the Android app users perform some sorts of transactions over the smart applications so secure transactions become the need of the time. Robust and secured telephone networking, IP networking and handling user data efficiently can serve in securing transactions from external threats.

Conclusion: Myriad of Android apps are published on Google Play Store on daily basis. But most of them get rejected either by Google itself or users, due to lack of security features and the adherence to the policy terms and conditions. If you want to develop an app for your business that would run smoothly without any security and legal issues then you should hire the service of Apps24x7, a reputed Android app development company in India.


Some Important Things to Consider for A Good Android App Design

Android applications are in demand on the global scale. Hiring the services of a reliable Android app development company in India can be truly beneficial for your business. Android app development is considered to be friendly for the developers and businesses as well. With great UX Android design, easy to implement features and easy approval process, Android platform has become the topmost choice for app development. Here in this blog, we are going to know about some important aspects of a remarkable UX Android design.


Adaptive: Fragmentation is one of the major drawbacks for the poor performance of a mobile application. Too many screen sizes and too many devices have become a headache for the Android users. So, it must be focused while developing an Android application that is adaptive across all the Android smartphones. A customizable Android design can help you in getting the most adaptive mobile application so that you can provide the relevant user experience as per your business nature and the functionalities. An optimized user interface helps in maintaining the uniformity of the apps across all sorts of Android devices.

Floating Action Button (FAB): Floating action button, popularly known as FAB, are usually located in the bottom right corner of the app screen. With vivid colours and tones, FABs are used to promote actions which users perform on a regular basis. If you decide to go with the FAB, you must follow the instructions of Google Design. If not, then unfamiliar FAB will result in a bad user experience.

Screen Savers: Screen saver consists of an image that fills the blank screen that appears before the heavy application loads. It helps the users in looking at the screen saver instead of looking at the blank screen while waiting for the application to load. Somehow, it creates the impression that the heavy app loads faster and also reveals the brand image. Some consider it, as a bad approach because a great UX design based app should load faster instead of the appearance of a screen saver. But some supports it, as it helps in keeping users engaged while the heavy application loads even in the slow internet connection.

Navigation: The user must have the hassle free experience while using the application. A good UX design provides robust navigation feature which is easy to use. Basically Android supports navigation controls that slide left. The tabs are on the top and users love to go for familiar Android navigation features. Use of tabs with “+” icon to show less content is trending and helping the businesses to reflect the most important features at the first.

Top 4 Reasons to Go For Android Application Development

Each of the businesses running globally owns a website in the current scenario. But the ongoing rivalry amid the evolving businesses has now made the mobile application a necessity of the current business scenario. Businesses have now understood the popularity of the mobile application and they are focused on developing the smooth functioning mobile application especially based on the Android platform. Hiring the services of a reputed Android app development company is proving to be fruitful for all sorts of businesses. Amid all the other mobile application development platforms such as iOS, Android and Windows, Android has the most powerful impact in the app industry. With the popularity of Android smartphones and smart apps, the demand of lucrative and feature-rich Android application development has increased so far.


There are lots of advantages of having an Android application for the business. Let’s summarize them:

Hiring Android Developers is An Easy Task: Due to the extensive demand of the Android application, the development market is replete of the expert Android developers to address diverse needs. With the ease of development, free license and availability of the libraries, Android app development has become an easy task.

Android App Development is Affordable: Being an open source technology, Android app development has become an affordable solution for the businesses. Developers do not need expensive tools for development purpose and adding features to the Android application also requires less time. Thus, developing an Android application to promote your business is considered as the smart and affordable solution.

Android Applications Help in Establishing A Strong Client Base: With the huge number of Android users, a well developed Android application has great potential to establish a strong client base. Reaching to the worldwide audience is simple through publishing your application at the Play Store.

Advanced Integration Feature: As per your business needs, you can customize the application features with the help of an expert developer. Android platform has the great flexibility to integrate the app features with any third party APIs in an effective way. They are considered as ideal for advanced features integration and development.

Hiring the services of a reliable Android app development company with years of expertise can bring innovative solutions for your business and it will help in boosting your business revenue to a next level.

5 Tips on Hiring an Expert Android App Developer

Recent digital advancements have made the mobile apps, an essential part of the business commencement on the global scale. Out of other development platforms, Android has become the most recognized name in the mobile application development industry. Each of the businesses which want to earn good revenue is hiring Android app developers to get the industry specific, business oriented and user-friendly mobile application developed for the business needs. To hire Android app developers, there are some essential aspects which need to be considered –

1. Ask for the Proficiency and the Relevant Expertise

It is essential to consider the relevant experience in Android app development. A business-centric app development requires a good experience to provide the efficient app having the potential to attract the global smartphone users.

2. Never Go for Cheap Developers

The app cost cannot decide the app’s quality. So, you should never make the price concerns a primary focus when you are looking for a proficient mobile application getting developed for your business. Hiring a developer from a reputed and certified mobile application development company is the best decision instead of going for the cheap advertisements and the alluring promises.

3. Analyze the Developer’s Portfolio

Before hiring the developer for your mobile application needs, you need to check the portfolio of the developers. A portfolio analysis of the developer will make you understand that while having years of experience, the developer has the diversity in developing Android applications for the different business niches or not.

4. Sound Knowledge and Flexibility

The developer should be well versed with the Android platform. He must have the capability to perform research and do all the possible customizations as per the project’s demand. The flexibility of feature implementation with the adequate knowledge of the Android platform is a must from the developers.

5. Possessing An Innovative Approach

You should ask for the developer’s creativity and the innovative approach towards your project. His innovative approach will help you in sharing your ideas at its best. Apart from the industry-specific knowledge, he must possess an excellent innovative and analytical approach to meet the projects’ requirements.

How to Hire a Proficient Android App Developer?

Android is one of the fastest growing mobile OS. There are more than 1.6 billion Android application users worldwide. With such a massive popularity, the Android applications have become the most promising revenue generation techniques for all sorts of businesses running globally. In such a demanding scenario, the trend to hire Android app developers is at its peak.


In order to get an enchanting and business oriented app developed for your business, you need to follow some crucial tips that can bring a tremendous change in your business aspect. Before you hire android app developer, below are some essential things to consider for getting an effective mobile application –

1. Business Analysis

You must hire a developer who is interested in understanding your business objectives. An insight to your business objective can lead to a business oriented app development. If the android developer working on your project is aware of the fact that what is your business target and goal, then he can suggest the valuable inputs which can be beneficial in attracting the audiences. The developer should not be only limited to coding. He should also be able to communicate with you effectively while understanding your business nature, its vision and the specific goals.

2. Experience

Th experience of the developer matters a lot in producing a bug-free and smooth running mobile application. In order to get the peace of mind from any kind of after development breach, it is essential to hire a domain expert professional. The developer must be aware of the latest tools and technologies to get the job done in a very friendly manner. He should have the cross-platform experience, easy to navigate development, an expert in clean coding and so on. The experience in a specific business niche is the plus point that you can avail by hiring a proficient developer.

3. Quality-Driven Development

The developer you are going to hire must be a quality expert apart from the specific experience. A quality developer can write fewer codes for more features and it will help in smooth functioning of the Android application. Getting a feature rich UX and UI is only possible with a quality developer.

Following these concerns, you can hire the proficient Android developers at Apps24x7, which is a leading mobile app development company with decades of experience.

6 Topmost Benefits of Android Platform for App Development Needs

Digital advancements have changed our living style. We have become reliant on smart devices and interacting globally with the means of most modern applications. Within a few clicks over highly utilitarian mobile applications, we are able to get our needs in the very sophisticated ways. Amid all other platforms for mobile applications like Windows, Android, Symbian, Blackberry and iOS; Android apps are ruling amid the global audiences. Here are a few advantages of Android application over other platforms –

Low Investment & High ROI: With its reliable SDK (Software Development Kit), Android does not require any kind of licensing cost. Development with Android platform requires a low investment and on another hand, due to the wide popularity of Android apps, it provides higher return on investment.

Open Source and Android Community: Being the open source platform, developers do not need any additional effort while starting with this most sought after app development platform. The huge Android community also provides the preference to interact with the global creative developers to share the innovative idea.

Easy Integration: For inter-application integration and inter-process architecture, Android has been recognized as the best platform where different kinds of features can be incorporated and integrated at a single place with a little effort.

Customizable UI: Android framework provides the facility to customize the user interface of the application as per the demand of application to meet the development objective in the best way. The developers can easily customize data management tools, UI and multimedia tools to deliver the best user-experience.

Complete Security: After the introduction of address space layout by Google, Android-based apps have now become highly secured from cyber attacks. There are various third-party plugins available to provide the best security experience to the Android app users.

Multiple Network Distribution: Android apps can be easily distributed over multiple networks. Developing a user-oriented Android app through a solid promotional strategy over various sales and distribution channels can result in getting huge customer base for business commencement.

Are you looking to provide a feature rich app experience to the global audience for your business branding and revenue generation, then you can hire the most trusted service of Apps24x7, which is the topmost recognized Android app development company in India.

How Important Are The Location-Based Travel Apps For Your Business?

Over the past few years, Geofencing has become an important part of the travel app development. Currently, almost every travel app has this feature in it. Eventually, Geofencing is a feature that uses the GPS or RFID technology for defining the geographical boundaries. Considering the benefits of Geofencing, many businesses are using it as the main feature of their app, and are complete depending upon it. For examples: food and other delivery based apps, booking applications, logistics apps, etc., are using Geofencing to improve the location base services of their apps.

Android App Development

How Geofencing Based Mobile App Helps Travel Business?

With Geofencing integrated travel app, you can earn the brand loyalty of both existing and targeted customers. This is a major reason why Geofencing integrated travel apps like navigation travel app, destination booking apps, etc., are highly used by the developers. It is not only useful for targeting the potential customers but also serves multiple other benefits for the travel business. It’s benefits are:

1. Customer Relationship Management: Proper management of the customer relationship is one of the most important aspects of the businesses. With Geofencing, you can automate messages according to the area related to your business, and when the desired customers walk in, you can directly notify them.

2. Notifying According To The Region: When it comes to the region, every region has its own special occasions and days. With Geofencing, you can set a specific parameter and share your wishes according to it. This will help you to become customer’s favorite and earning good businesses opportunities.

3. Precise Your Targeting: Geofencing allows the users to precise their targeting according to the specific customers, instead of targeting everyone. This is quite helpful in a situation when you want to focus only on your target audience or competitors.

4. Drive Traffic: The focus of travel booking app has completely changed. Previously, it was used to take orders and manage them, but now it is used as a method of generating traffic for the travel business. With a travel booking app, you can easily spread your marketing messages to the target people, at the right time.

5. Local Business Communication Viability: Through Geofencing integration, you can easily connect with the local retailers, operators, and warehouses, as well as can improve your local business communication with them.


By using the Geofencing integration, you can connect with the location based target customers, enhance business relations and cash more business opportunities. If you want a Geofencing integration, then connect with the best iOS App development company, who can develop an interactive travel app for you.

3 Essential Tips For Android App Development In 2017

In the current scenario, the smartphones have become the most powerful gadgets to be used by masses globaly. If we talk about the user ratio, approx 70% of people prefer to use the mobile apps more in comparison of the desktop applications. Although, the smartphones are highly used by the consumers, but Android smartphones have always been the first priority for the users. Through Android phones, users not only get the flexibility to call, listening music and playing games, but also get reliability and security for online shopping, manage the daily routine schedule, etc.


Considering the importance of the Android mobile phones for the users, the development companies are focusing more on the Android app development and building various exciting & reliable Android apps. If you also want to develop an Android app for your business, then here are some important points that you should consider while developing the future android apps:

1. More Responsive App

A mobile app with good design and low loading speed will never hit the market. Even though you have invested great efforts to create a unique design of an app, but it is all useless if users have to wait a long for loading it. So, it is really important that while developing an app, you focus on its responsiveness. If you want to win the competition of similar apps, it is essential that your app loads fast and speedily.

2. More Focus On App Security

When it comes to the app security, it should provides a secure and reliable user experience. As security issues like hacking, identity theft etc., are quite common these days, it is necessary that users feel safe and secured while using your app. So, it is the responsibility of Android app developers to take all possible security measures for enhancing the safety of an app. You can even connect with the reliable security solutions providers to obtain the best results with your Android app.

3. Effective Social Media Integration

With social media platform, you can easily get your app in the latest trends. As a wide number of smartphone users access social media platforms on their phones, you can easily make them aware about your app. Moreover, if people like something, they prefer to share it with their friends on social platforms. So, add a social media sharing buttons in your android app, this will surely help you to market your app to a maximum number of crowds.


When it comes to the apps, people prefer to use the Android apps more instead of iOS apps. This is because the ratio of Android users is much higher than the iOS users. So, if you want to approach a maximum number of users then you should go for the Android app. Simply connect with a top Android Application Development Company, and get a powerful app for your business.

Android Is The Best Option For Application Development : Top 4 Reasons

In this era, where everyone is using smartphones for their buying and selling purpose, it is really difficult for the companies to run their businesses without an application. If you are a company owner and thinking of developing a mobile app for your business, then Android is the best recommended platform. But if you are confused that why you should go for the Android app, instead of any other app, then here are the top 4 reasons that support this fact:


1. Android is a Google’s Product: As it is Google’s product, it hosted Google Play Store. Although Google Play Store is the biggest mobile app market, you can easily find a wide number of visitors accessing the play store. It means, if your app is present on a Google Play Store, it has better visibility and more chances of getting maximum downloads. Your app will not get a high response on another app store, as it can get in Google Play Store.

2. Easy to Developed: In a comparison of other OS apps, Android application development is much easier. This is possible because Android allows the developers to create customized app according to the individual needs. Moreover, the developers did not have restrictions in terms of creativity while developing the apps, as well as they can simply test their app before uploading on the Google Play Store.

3. Constantly Updated: Another main reason why Android is the most preferred platform is constant updates. As Android is a part of Google, it constantly received the latest updates from Google. More the updates come, more the Android becomes an user-friendly operating system. Moreover, the developers can easily test their apps on OS latest versions before launching it for the customers.

4. Android Software Development Kit (SDK): Android comes with a huge SDK which is a major library that allows the developers to create anything, in any way. The experienced developers can easily utilize the advantage of SDK for developing some of the most attractive and powerful applications for the businesses.

Since its beginning, Android has achieved a great popularity and huge user base. Nowadays, it is ruling the smartphone market, which is one of the major reasons why Android is the best option for the mobile app development. Moreover, if your business app is available on Google Play Store, it will surely get better visibility in the global market. But, while developing an Android application, just make sure that it is user-friendly, easy to use and focused on the needs of the targeted audiences. So, if you want to do develop your business app, then hire the best Android App Development service providers for you.