4 Important Features That Every Restaurant App Must Have

When it comes to the mobile applications, large number of businesses are using them for their business enhancement. Whether it is a small firm or large size business belonging to any industry like food, manufacturing, clothing, etc., all are using mobile applications with the aim of building their brand online presence. After knowing such numerous features & benefits of apps, many companies are willing to have an app for their business.

Android App Development

In the recent time, a wide number of restaurant businesses have started using mobile apps. The mobile applications are helping them in directly connecting with their foodie customers, offering an ample range of delicious food, and delivering their services for online food ordering. But while using the apps, most of the time restaurants owners get confused that, Is their mobile application is a valuable investment for their business? Are online food ordering will help their business enhancement or not? According to the facts, the restaurant industry is one of the highest revenue earning industry in mobile app sales.

Concept Is simple

Whether you have a small family restaurant or big restaurant chain, if you don’t have a powerful mobile app, surely you will loose the chances of obtaining 20% increase in sales. Even you can invest in an integrated mobile solution to help you in many ways. Through this, you can easily perform various activities such as side table reservation, ordering system, ingredient purchases, management of waiters, payroll, etc., and can enhance your sales.

Important Features for Restaurant App

Once you have decided that you will invest in your restaurant mobile application, it is a time to decide, what are the features that you want to add in your app. To answer these questions, here are the top 4 essential features that every restaurant app should need to have.

1. Loyalty, Discounts & Rewards Programs

According to the survey, approx. 40% customers prefer to use the restaurant mobile app for exploring the discounts offers. Also, around 30% customers used the mobile app for earning and redeeming loyalty points. In fact, through various offers, the restaurants can increase their customer rate up to 5 times. Through brand loyalty programs, you can easily enhance your sales.

2. In-App, Online Ordering, and Mobile Payments

Through in-app and online ordering features, you can your customers ordering experience. Due to this feature, the customers did not need to get into the lines or wait for the order to be processed. The advance payment option will take you customer convenience one step ahead. Moreover, it will increase your efficiency and capabilities for handling orders.

3. Location Based Services

Through location-based services like Geofencing and beacons, you can easily increase your engagement with valuable customers. It is one of the best features that help you to promote the restaurants deals, menu improvements, discounts, and other news.

4. Table Reservation

If your restaurant is quite popular among your customers and they find it difficult to find a table at a restaurant, they tent to shift to another food portal. To avoid such situations, your restaurant mobile application should have a table reservation option. It will make easy for the customer to book their table, avoid waiting in line and can make an advance plan for their evening.


Through mobile apps, the restaurant owners can increase their sales, obtain loyal customers and build a brand name in the competitive market. With so many benefits, the mobile app is a perfect investing option for the restaurants. Connect with the best mobile app development company and get a significant Android app development services for your business app.


How Can You Make Your Apps A Big Success in Google Play Store

In the last few years, the app development industry has seen an immense growth. To fulfill this huge demand for creative & engaging applications, the developers are working really hard. For them, developing a successful web app has become a major task. Although, the Google Play Store is the most preferred app store for the developers, they are coming up with many more latest applications of various categories.

When it comes to the successful launch of an app on Google Play, simply submitting the finished app is just not enough. One needs to take various essential steps before launching their app in the play store. Here are some points that would help your app to become a big success in the Google Play Store:

1. App Testing: The most important step that every developer need to take is ‘App Testing’. The developers should make sure that the app is properly tested before it is launched to the Play Store. If they don’t test their app in all possible processes, and it still has potential bugs, it will surely affect the user’s device, resulting in huge failure. So, it is really important, that you test & check the app’s consistent performance and its compatibility with the devices & various browsers to avoid errors.

2. Maintain the Screen Size for Android & OS Version: Another important step is testing your app on all type of Android mobile devices and different OS versions, and check screen size compatibility. For this, check your app on both high and low resolutions devices that help you to see the app visibility on different screens.

3. User interface: Your app should have a friendly user interface. The users should be able to use your app easily and effortlessly. As it is used by the different age groups, it should be easy to use, and users didn’t require any help to use it.

4. App presentation: Once the app testing is completed, make sure that you submit the app to Google Play Store in an attractive manner. Add on a right icon, some good screenshots, and videos of your app, which provide your users a rough idea about your app. Make sure that you create a good impression in everyone minds.

5. Market your app: Now, your Android mobile app is ready to launch. For proper launching of your app, you need a good marketing strategy. For this, you can publish a press release, as well as can invite people to attend your app launch event. Also, you can use social media platform, and contact some app review sites and ask them to publish some reviews regarding your app.

6. Track The Performance Of Your App: Once your app is launched, you can keep a constant track on your app’s performance. To improve the app performance, you can take users’ feedback and work on them to increase the performance of your app and the marketing strategy.


By following the above points, you can efficiently launch your app and can make it a big successful app of Google Play Store. You can take help of best Android App developers India for creating the best app as well as for its promotion.

Benefits Of Using React Native For Mobile Apps Development with JavaScript

When it comes to the apps version update, the developers focuses more on one version and ignore the other versions. Due to this, the ignored version remains with an old codebase, which makes the users restricted for using the latest features. This is a major reason, why the demand of multiplatform has raised in the market.


Although, most of the developers prefer Web-Apps, but it didn’t provide the same native feel as a proper native application does. So, it is better to choose the relevant frameworks that helps to create applications for various mobile platforms like iOS and Android, by applying the similar codebase.

Difference Between Xamarin & React Native

As we are focusing on a native application, we are preferring two contenders i.e., React Native and Xamarin. Basically, Xamarin is a leading technology, which endows the users to create multi-platform applications by using C#. Moreover, it is added in every Visual Studio version. While programming, it allows the developers to write the same kind of code, which can see at the time of programming natively – similar calls, interface design tools, etc.

On the other hand, React Native is the latest and a reliable open source framework, created by Facebook. It allows the users to “learn once, write everywhere”, which is possible due to the JavaScript. Moreover, it uses completely different paths for the app development like CSS-like stylesheets, JavaScript code, HTML-like tags for layout, etc. So, when it comes to the familiar framework, it is highly used by the developers for a web development.

Features of React Native

The users can start with a basic initial template. After completing the development work with JavaScript, they can get a completely working login screen. But, before getting this, there are various features of React Native that developers can use.

  • Through React Native, the users can modify the application code without application recompiling. While developing, the code can be loaded from a local server and is packaged into the application with other resources on a proper release.
  • With React Native, the same generic code can be applied to both the Android and iOS versions.
  • For managing native views, it performs with JavaScript code.
  • It supports and brings native widgets to the framework.
  • It allows platform detection in code, which make simple for the developers, to write various components that have similar functionalities, but adaptable only to the respective operating systems.
  • React Native also has a Layout, which can be implemented with CSS-like stylesheets, which allow the users to specify the border widths and margins, colors and fonts.


React Native is an efficient framework, which is highly used by the developers for multiplatform app development. It can easily enhance the native performance, optimizing JavaScript code, as well as can move the process-intensive tasks to the native modules and separate threads. Whether you take an iOS application development services or Android application development India, you can ask your developers to use the React Native framework for your multiplatform supporting mobile app.

How UX Plays An Essential Role In A Successful Mobile App Development

In the current scenario, the mobile app development has become a major trend. Following this market trend, a large number of companies have started investing in a mobile app development with the aim of earning good business returns. This is one of the major reasons, why app stores are full of the unlimited apps. Considering the huge competition of the mobile app development industry, it is clear that if you want to exist in the mobile app development industry, you need to extend your knowledge and capabilities, so that you can deliver the highly competitive projects, efficiently.

Android app developers

When it comes to the success of the apps, it can easily be determined by considering the difference between the apps that are highly grossing and those with limited downloads. Although, the idea behind all the apps is similar, but the thing that creates a big difference is its execution process, as well as the user-experience provided by them. Whether you are an iOS app developer or a part of the Android app developers team, you need to concentrate on providing an excellent user experience. This means, the success of the apps completely depends upon the user engagement and user experience.

Everybody has heard about the words – user-experience and user-interface, but people rarely understand the actual meaning of these terms. In web designing, the word UX is highly used, which means User Experience. A person’s behaviors, emotions, and attitude about using a particular product or service is considered as a UX. Basically, UX is the emotional and psychological response regarding user application.

1. A Good UX Increases User Engagement: An app that creates an emotional connection with the users will successfully keep the users engaged. Once the users engaged with the app, they come back again and again to it. An improved user engagement, not only make the users attracted towards the app, but also earn new audiences. This is possible only with the good UX. A pleasant UX will increase the user engagement of the apps and enhanced its connectivity.

2. UX Help In Increasing The Sales of eCommerce App: In the eCommerce app, the CTA button really matters. By placing the CTA button correctly, you can provide an excellent user experience to your buyers. While doing so, just keep in mind that if the visitors have best user-experience, surely they will make their purchasing decisions. Moreover, ensure that your apps should provide a seamless browsing experience to the users, which actually helps to obtain a good conversion rate.

3. App Monetization:

The business who want Freemium monetization or In-App ads for business promotion, they should monetize their app. So, before developing an app, you must analyze and ensure, what are the services that a user want, and expects from your app. If you are targeting the gaming apps, you should use the PPC ad campaign for different products that might help to generate some revenue from the clicks.


UX has become a major aspects of app development & plays a viatl role in its success. Whether it is a small screen device or big screen device, the users do not like to compromise on the quality of the app. So, before delivering the app for the users, just make sure that it provides an excellent user-experience.

Top 4 Powerful Mobile IDEs For Android App Development

When it comes to an application development, it means an Android or iOS application development. While coding a software or programming for mobile platforms, the developers come up with numerous coding ideas, for which it is essential to install a set of programming tools on the device. For such situations, there are various Integrated Developments Environments (IDE) available in the market for Android phones and tablets. These IDEs are easily available on the Google Play Store. The basic difference between an IDE and a code editor is that the IDEs has an editor that comes with a compiler and various powerful tools that allows the developers to create, run and test the program on the relevant mobile device. Although, large number of IDEs are available in the market, here are some of the top IDEs that not only available free of cost, but also have various additional functions and features:

Android App Developers India


It is one of the most popular mobile IDEs. It is used for programming in Java & C++, and perfectly suits huge coding. Due to the extensive features, it allows its users to create C/C++ NDK and Java/XML apps for Android, and pure Java console applications. Basically, AIDE is completely user-friendly UI, through which the developers can easily create a new project or switch to existing ones. Moreover, with this, the developers can easily download the source code from remote repository or can create a new repository for the future collaboration inside the project. It also has a capability to connect with a Bluetooth keyboard, and can bind the hotkeys to main functions inside the IDE.

AIDE provides a real-time error analysis, as well as automatically fixes the simple errors through auto implementing methods. Navigation inside project is very easy, and you can not only watch the code structure, but also debug information like Logcat logs.

2. DroidScript

DroidScript is one of the famous IDE that is used in mobile development for writing simple JavaScript-based applications for smartphones and tablets. For those who didn’t have any knowledge about the JavaScript programming language, for them DroidScript is the best option. Its extensive features provide complete access to the various features of a typical Android device such as compass, GPS, accelerometer, receiving and sending of text messages, etc. Moreover, with this the developers can easily create a browser-based IDE, which help them to build a connection between a computer and a mobile device for using a full-size keyboard and big screen, while the code is running on an Android gadget.

3. CppDroid

CppDroid is specially used for the C & C++ development. This significant IDE provides a wide range of tools and features that can efficiently use by the experienced developers. Also, for the beginners, it provides various tutorials and examples for learning the art of code. For those who have a problem in coding, for them CppDroid has an excellent code editor that comes with numerous themes, smart syntax highlighting, auto pairing and auto indentation. Moreover, it provides compile errors and warnings in special windows, as well as can automatically fix all simple code style warnings.

4. Android Web Developer (AWD)

Android Web Developer (AWD) is the most useable IDE which is used to run the numerous code written in PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and JSON. It has various extension features that include code beautifying, built-in error checking, regular expressions support, and Git integration. When it comes to accessing local files and folders, AWD allows it’s users to remotely open and edit the code by using FTP, FTPS, SFTP, and WebDAV. Moreover, AWD provides an option to clone project through GIT repository, auto format code structure, etc. With this, the developers can easily write JavaScript code with it, and can execute it right inside your mobile device.


All these IDEs are the powerful source for efficient programming in different languages. Through these IDEs, the developers can easily create various Android Apps for different smartphones and tablets. Even, the top Android App Developers of India are using these IDEs for creating the most significant and efficient Android apps for their clients.

Android Apps Development Services for Better Business ROI

Android apps have become the trending market in today’s business scenario. Every business has an android application and attracting smartphone users is now easier with innovative android apps development services. Creating a space into the smartphones through apps is the latest growing strategy in the business world.

android app development

Big Market with Small Investment

With a small investment in the mobile application, it is the best option for the company to grab a bigger market on the worldwide level. Android Apps Development Services are affordable for all kind of business entities and promotion of particular services or products through the application helps a lot in attracting the customers all across the world. Being the best & the most effective promotional tool, it has almost become a mandatory investment.

Direct Interaction with the Customers

A mobile application is the identity of a business and it carries information on services and product details along with it. With a single click, anyone is easily able to access the application in a very hassle free manner. So, android application is the best example of direct interaction with end to end customers. This direct interaction of company with the people, in general, helps a lot in getting the leads.

Branding of the Company

Android application have the logo and the business name and apart from that it also has full details of the products or the services being offered by the company. This combination of the proper details of the company makes the users understand the brand in a better way. Having an omnipresence of your business in the form of android application in Google Play Store makes a reliable impact upon the users which is the branding of your business in a little budget. Getting famous in a short span of time and with a small investment are the main advantage of android application.

Easier Platform for Inter-App Integration

Android applications used for integration and inter applications development. The inter application integration allows the small, medium level business owners and large scale business enterprises to easily communicate between different business applications at a single destination. Experts developers will easily integrate several apps to make you comfortable to analyse your businesses.

These lucrative features have made the android applications more demanding in the recent years and it has also become the most preferred shopping destination. People love to do shopping and other transactions over android applications due to easy installation, smooth navigation and easily accessible features. Hiring reliable experts for android apps development services will help you in getting a new definition of your business.

Why a Mobile Application is Essential for Your Business: Top 5 Reasons

The online advertisement industry has totally transformed the way businesses behave, startegize & perform. In the same way, mobile apps have brought a new energy in the business marketing processes. Nowadays, the trend has been shifted from laptops or computers to smartphones. Even a school child posses a smartphone and prefers to search for his study materials through mobile based applications. So, the applications are designed to attract the customers by making a strong business presence on all the devices that are used by the masses.

Android App Development

It has become a mandatory tool to represent the business. E-commerce sectors are getting huge businesses. It is observed that maximum orders received are made through their mobile applications. Android app development companies are helping the businesses to succeed, through designing user-friendly and smooth applications. Here are the five factors to focus that will establish the importance of mobile based application:

1) Enhancing the ROI – Mobile apps for business have been recognised to generate greater ROI through providing clients even from remote areas. With the simple installation process of apps from play stores, people can easily find a business and fulfil their essential requirement. It helps a lot in enhancing the ROI.

2) Business Omnipresence – A smartphone is the most used gadget. If your application is useful, has a lucrative and enchanting user interface, then your business will be promoted a lot through the applications designed by android app development companies.

3) Brand Credibility – Mobile based applications help a lot in proving the brand credibility among all the smartphone users. If a business has a mobile application, then it is considered as a worthy brand.

4) User Convenience – Everybody seeks comfort and easily manageable applications. Mobile applications are considered to be user-friendly and convenient to use. If an app is not easier to navigate and the confusing features, then it is sure to be uninstalled soon by the user.

5) Popularity – Mobile apps are more popular than web based applications because of its easy accessibility. If your business app is based on a popular platform, then it is sure that the business will also become popular.

These facts have shown tremendous changes in the android app development industry. The trend has been shifting towards developing user-centric apps that are easier to navigate, access and explore the real products or services. The design and development process of the mobile application development industry has now been focused on creating responsive, enticing and creative apps to attract the customers in one glimpse.

Meet with Your Business Goals Through Android App Development India

In today’s technologically advanced world, mobile users are more inclined towards online shopping and save their significant time. In spite of the fact that business have their own dedicated site, it is imperative to make your site android based, so that it can be accessed on the various screen sizes of android devices.

Android App Development

Android is one of the best and demanding operating systems that run on smart android devices. The most popular android platform has its own particular guidelines and regulations. It needs uniquely outlined mobile apps especially base on Java. There are multiple working platforms for smart phones, laptops, and desktop PCs. The business that truly needs to contend the industry sector must play a vital role in creating applications that keep running on various operating systems like android without facing a glitch.

In order to develop an outstanding mobile app, it is good idea to outsource the work to Android App Development India. It is not a cakewalk for an organization to look after the business operations along with application development task. By hiring the expert services for android application development, you would get an ultimate solution for your business, and able to meet your business objectives.

If your app is a bit confusing and moderately responsive, then user may uninstall it and your organization would not be able to earn a strong reputation in todays competitive market. Hiring quality experts or professionals, is always good as they are able to deliver award-winning apps for you. Such applications are created completely android friendly, and can without much of an issue, run on advanced mobile phones. The applications offer smooth and quick responsiveness in this manner making users to trust more on the business.

The Android App Development India, organizations cater a positive approach to deal with android application development. The organizations put more accentuation on the business needs and target mobile users. They are experts to create android applications with zero complexities. The applications such planned and designed can undoubtedly keep running on android smart devices, and can procure the positive response of the users’.

An appropriately created android application offer unmatched user experience. With simple functionality and easy to understand approach, the mobile app can reach to target users effortlessly and rapidly. Such extraordinary mobile applications give a prevalent quality user experience and subsequently organization can achieve great reputation and exponentially increase business revenue.

Android Studio 2.1: An Unmatched Environment for your App Development Project

With the changing nature of the mobile world and tsunami in usage of mobile apps across the sphere, Android App Development professionals are more focused towards Android Studio v2.1.1. Launched by Google, this latest version is loaded with multiple jaw dropping features, and allow app developer specialists to create Android applications faster and better. This latest version of Android studio can be downloaded and install for Windows easily from online. Following are the incredible features of this latest version:

Android App Developer

1. Instant Run: Developers, wishing to create the fastest mobile app will surely love this amazing feature. They are able to alter the things in a minute time, and can see them appear live in their apps also. Once you clicked the instant run button, the feature examines the changes and find the fastest ways to deploy the changes in the best possible time. Instant Run majorly diminishes the time gap between updates of your app. It may be possible, your first build may take sufficient time, but regular updates to your app can be enhanced by Instant Run without developing a brand new APK. It supports Android Ice Cream Sandwich and its upgraded versions.

2. Android Emulator: When you will compare the latest Android emulator with its previous version, then it is almost 3 times faster in CPU, RAM and I/O. The latest Android emulator has advanced user interface and a powerful sensor. Now you have also a great option to install APKs with the help of drag and drop option.

3. App Indexing with Auto Generated URLs: Powered with App Indexing feature, this latest version of the Android Studio now generate perfect URL structure for your dream app code. Additionally, it will provide the right attributes in your AndroidManifest.xml file. This feature is quite helpful to increase the visibility of your app on major search engines.

4. GPU Debugger Preview: Android Studio offers an OpenGL ES development environment. Developers having great expertise in OpenGL ES based games or apps can easily visualize each frame and GL state with the help of the latest GPU Debugger. It offers detailed information about the frame and GL state.

5. IntelliJ 15: Earlier, Android Studio comes with ProGuard tools and a Gradle supported build system. These caters an IntelliJ IDEA based Java code editor as a platform. But, with this advanced version, you can get intelliJ 15. IntelliJ 15 is unbeatable, when you will compare to the other available Java code editor.

Why It Is Essential To Choose The Right Company For Mobile App Development?

Currently, mobile applications play a vital role in the growth and development of any business. Considering its benefits, a huge number of companies are creating business mobile apps. But, at the time of going for Android Apps Development, just ensure that you choose the right mobile application development company. For proper execution of the product as per the details and creating an app accordly, it is the most important part of the development process.

Android App Developers

A significant mobile app development company will understand your requirement, and develop excellent applications that provide satisfied user experience. So choose that company which has the robust technology, experienced team, skill, innovation, eagerness and creativity to build up the desired application. Here are some of the important factors that you should consider while choosing a mobile app development company.

  • The company should have a dedicated team who can meet their deadlines.
  • The developers should have the capability and ability to do the development work according to the prototype.
  • Can provide customized solutions for the project.
  • Check on the portfolio of the organization, about their work experience and understand their working capabilities.
  • The designers and developers should be knowledgeable and experienced, else they will not be able to complete your project work on time.

Tips for Selecting The Finest Mobile App development Company

Before selecting a mobile application development company, you should consider the market reputation of the company. If the company has good reputation in the market, then only connect with the company. Here are some tips, which guide you and help you for making your decision.

1. Should Work On All Types Of Operating System: When it comes to the usage of the mobile apps, the people are using the mobile apps on various platforms iOS, Android and Windows. So while selecting a development company ensure that they has a team of designers and developers that can develop the applications that fits in all the frameworks.

2. Cross-Check Previous Work & References: Before, choosing any company, ask them for previous work sample and references. These samples will provide you a clear view of their work, and information that they can fulfill your requirements or not. Also, through these samples you can judge their technical proficiency and capabilities.

3. Customized Solution For Your Business: While finalizing any development company, just make sure the company has good efficiency and proper vision to provide the customized solutions, according to the organization’s needs.

4. Proper App Designing: For the proper execution flow, a good application layout design is quite important. So make sure that the company offer only the unique and latest design User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) for mobile application.

5. Don’t Select the Development Company on the Basis of Cost: In the market, a large number of companies are present that are offering excellent application development services at various prices. You should select that company that offers the quality service, at affordable prices.