How Third-Party Apps are Effective for Local Search & Marketing

When it comes to the digital era, we can find various technologies that change the regular life of modern people. Even in the nitty gritty condition of our daily life, we can manage everything in the digital world with our best efforts. People become more hi-tech and most of them are equipped with smart devices. These devices are loaded with amazing tools that makes our life easier. We can do multiple things just in a second. Android application development India consistently creates native apps that supports multiple mobile platforms including Android, Windows and Apple. These third party apps are quite helpful at personal level as well as a great support to drive small businesses.

Let’s have a look, how third party apps are helpful to drive more search results and customers to their stores:


1. The Colossus App- Facebook : Worldwide famous social site Facebook has millions of visitors & thousands joining it each day. This app is installed on more than 70 percent of smartphone users’ & other devices making it a robust platform for engaging a large number of potential customers. Small and local business honchos can post images of new products and promote their customer oriented services, communicate special discounts and offers, discuss about upcoming products and events and ultimately receives more wining chances.

2. Power of Google Apps: Google apps are quite familiar among internet users. Google maps, Google+ and YouTube are the Google owned apps, where many local business’s are listed and promote their products/ services legitimately. These apps simply emphasizes your business and keep your business profile up-to-date that includes business website, physical address, contact details, photos and business hours.

3. Beacon Apps Open New Doors for Marketing Technologies: Apple’s owned technology, Beacon provides exceptional potential for all businesses. It offers real-time details of who’s browsing into a store and helps to serve up customized offers or information at the right time & place.

4. Visual sharing Apps: These apps are topmost choice among smart device users. These apps have great potential to engage existing users. Food and retail based business owners utilize visuals and share them on social media sites. Users are more likely to browse through images in place of textual contents.  In addition, they posses a great opportunity for businesses to become more creative to promote stores and products.

With the robust power of third party mobile apps, you have a great opportunity to make your local business more visible and demanding among your potential customers.

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