Top 7 Android App Development Framework

Nowadays, the world has totally depends upon the technology and electronic devices. Mobile phone or smartphones have become the basic necessity of everyone, as people can explore the entire world in the mobile phone. They can play games, shop, connect with others, search and many more activities. For mobile devices, Android plays a role of biggest platform which provides a great support globally, to the people prefer using hundreds of games and apps on their phones. It also provides a vast opportunity for the Android app developers in the vast platform of App Development.

android-app-development framework

As the base of the mobile phones, Android provides a unique framework for the developers to organize their apps and developing them accordingly, and make it compatible for various smartphones and tablet users. In Android App Development, there are many popular frameworks which are commonly used by the app developers to build the outstanding apps for Android. Whether it is Android, Windows or iOS, numerous frameworks are available to develop an app for them. Some of the frequently used frameworks are:

1) Corona SDK
Corona SDK is designed for the quick and first app development. It is widely used by the game developers, as its provide built in engine, UI support, and great advertising platform. It is very easy to learn language, and its APIs can simply add the complex features easy.

2) PhoneGap
PhoneGap is one the most popular frameworks which is highly supported by the Adobe and Apache. It specially built for HTML5, CSS and JavaScript Development. With its exclusive 2.0 version, it also provides support to the Windows phone, new libraries and CLI functions.

3) Xamarin
Xamarin framework is highly competent with iOS and Windows. With this framework, you can easily develop apps and games because it provides a platform for the developers to write their code in C# and deploy it in Android.Testing of your app is also allowed on a cloud with timely monitoring of your app.

4) Sencha Touch 2
Sencha is an ideal framework, which allow the developers to deploy and manage secure business applications that perform in multiple devices. This popular JavaScript and HTML5 based framework provides 50 inbuilt components, integrated MVC system, and management of work.

5) Appcelerator
Appcelerator is a famous framework which is used by the worldwide developers to develop the excellent apps. As part of the Appcelerator, Titanium SDK utilises the JavaScript programming language to build apps with great performances.

6) Basic4Android
Basic4Android provides an intensive tool for Android, iOS, and OOP programming language.

7) JQuery Mobile
As Touch-Optimized Web Framework,JQuery Mobile helps developers to build responsive websites and apps that can be easily accessed on all desktop devices, smartphones, and tablets. It is the most light weight and popular HTML5 framework which concentrates on progressive enhancement, markup, and themable design.

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